Sometimes I just have to write, just to write anything, anywhere. . .anytime! That's why I started this, but since having it I haven't had anything really interesting or worth writing about, for that reason I thought I would share some moments from Christmas until now.
At Christmas Luke and I decided to decorate the little house we shared to make it feel more like a home. I came back from work one day and he had decorated the whole place. There were strips of brilliant silver hanging down from the archway between the living room and the dinning room which made it feel like we were living in a sex shop.
We left the decorations up for as long as we could get away with it as the house felt so empty without them.
On new years eve my friends visited from all around and we sat in my small living room drinking and talking until the morning. It snowed, and we played outside at around 2.00am making perfect footprints.
In April after living by myself and struggling with money I got a different job, I went out with my friends from work sad to be leaving after over two years, and we celebrated my success and my time there. I still miss those people and that team every day.
Angel and I attended Butlins.
we drank cider from a mug and
listened to Band of Horses all weekend. The new president was announced and Angel and I took a liking to the young Nick Clegg. His nickname - Cleggy. I won at bowling several times and we rode pedalos drunkenly in a lake in Skegness. We walked on the beach and became scared at the wind turbines we could see in the distance. We found the most perfectly fun bar, and met the worst type of people, it was more than just fun.

Nest and I got the train to Felixstowe in the warm and walked around a lot of art work to get to where Tom Sleep was playing. It was quiet and they were late on, the battery had gone in the guitar, but it was pretty and they were beautiful. We sat on the grass with Helen who looked like summer. We went to a cafe on the hillside that reminded me of something out of an old English film. We played Mini Golf the outside kind, and I lost. Badly.
Tom Sleep - I Can Change :)
Tom Sleep - I Can Change :)
I made an effort with my new team at work and went out with them in Colchester. We got drunk and I sent texts that probably made little sense and I probably shouldn't of sent, but I don't regret. I stayed at Beckys house and at 3.00am she began poaching eggs, after which leaving the egg on the pan and having a bath I turned to see smoke rising as the eggs burnt to the bottom of the pan. In my drunken state, this was very funny.
I took Joe around my home town. We stayed up and sat by the sea, it was cold. It was dark. It was good, I enjoy the lights. We spent a drunken night at Angels house in which we drew all over Joe when he was asleep, feeling guilty I attempted to get the obscene words of his face with baby wipes, it was unsuccessful.
We brought tickets to go travelling for a lot more than we first expected. We brought over priced coffee and I was sad to see him leave.
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