Wednesday, 11 May 2011

Yes Please . . .

So its my Birthday next week and i thought it only fitting to list a few things that i would like. . .however, i will probably not get any of these things seeing as i'm going on my crazy travelling times. . people will be giving me money. This never happens!

One of these amazon Kindle things. . . I want to take it with me. Did you know if you get the 3G version you can read your emails all over the world for free?? Wow!! This is what i need, oh and for books aswell. Of course. :)

Every single series, i'm so addicted right now. . .

One of these little gems, i could make fancy photographs with minimum skill. . .brilliant! :)

I've wanted one since last winter. . .oh and the winter before. . .and the one before!

Everything that superdry have ever made. . .ever.

The end! :)

I could probably think of more stuff, but with risk of sounding greedy i'll stop. 

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